We now have all the necessary information to put together your customised Pet Barrier Dog Fence to suit your dog.
We will go through each of the selections you made and make sure everything is fine… we will call you if we need to.
Then once we have set it all up and checked it is perfect, we will get it in the post. We will make sure it works straight out of the box.
When it arrives… Put the Kettle on and make yourself a good cup of tea… Then unpack the box and plug it into the nearest power point… Now grab the collar and the books and have a good read.
Once you know how to alter the levels of the collar the training guide is easy to follow.
In the meantime you can have a look at some of our info pages.
Feel free to email or call to go through any questions you may have.
But the best approach is to sit down with your cup of tea and get to know the system before you install it.
All the best (let us know if you need us)
P.S. don’t forget to put a pic of your dog on our Facebook page.