Indoor Dog Fences and how to use them to their full potential.
Indoor Dog Fences may not be mentioned quite frequently but they are very useful and are a far better choice than conventional solutions for everyday dog problems in the house.
We all know how adorable it is when we see our dogs in our couches, sleeping, sitting like humans or waiting around the dining area when we’re eating. Sometimes we just want them to be there so we can hug them or sleep with them on our side or even spoil them with some food on the table. However, some people don’t like this because of problems such as dog hair all over the couch, the possibility of destroyed pillows and other things on the couch, food being stolen or even that escape artist that likes to bolt out of the door as soon as it’s opened. Some of these adorable activities may be okay at first but once they get used to it, it’ll turn into something you’ll regret.
Most people would fix these everyday dog problems with the most common and obvious solution such as brushing the hair off the couch or vacuuming it, putting a barricade on the door so your dog can’t run outside when the door is opened, training your dog to not ask for food when you are eating on the table and not jumping on to people asking for food. Don’t get me wrong, these solutions solve them but only for a little while. Below, we discuss the pros and cons of each solution and show you why an Indoor Dog Fence is a better option.
Indoor Dog Fences are often underrated equipment for deterring dogs from certain places inside your house or apartment. Most people resort to the more conventional and most common ways to solve dog problems indoors but they do not realize that indoor dog fences may the most dynamic solution to solve multiple dog problems inside of your home.
Here’s a list of common dog problems along with the most common way to solve them and why an Indoor Dog Fence is a far better option.
Dog hair is a nuisance for some people and for some types of furniture. Luckily, you can easily vacuum the hair right up or brush it off to clean the couch. However, this is not a permanent solution. After a while, your dog will be back on top of the couch and leaving hair everywhere again. This results in another session of brushing or vacuuming.
This is not the only problem when you let your dog near your couch. Other dogs will for some reason, destroy your pillows and give you that cute adorable “It wasn’t me” look when you catch them. It’s so adorable that most people can’t get mad at their dogs for this but that doesn’t mean your wallet won’t need to spit out some cash to replace that pillow.
Eventually, you’ll be receiving discounts from your local furniture store for being such a frequent customer or simply just giving up and leaving the couch full of hair.
Solve this issue permanently by investing in an Indoor Dog Fence instead. You can either choose a portable indoor dog fence that can easily be repositioned anywhere in the house or even outside when you’re camping or you can get a version with a wired option so you can customize a certain part of the area that you want to be off-limits. If your dog is trained properly for this dog fence, it will ensure a hair-free couch and pillows that are intact and ready to be hugged.
I have to admit, not all dogs do this but I know there are some especially dogs that can reach the table when they stand on two feet. This isn’t only a problem for big dogs but also small dogs that like to jump on you begging for food or even dogs that would bark nonstop until they are given what they want. Stealing food from the table is something that can be solved by training the dog to stop it. However, this will only apply to one single situation and you’d need to train your dog to not do the same on several different places such as a camping area, a coffee table or some else’s table. Another problem is that when you get another dog, it’ll take the same amount of training to train your previous dog to achieve the same result.
With an Indoor Dog Fence, you can train your dog to stay away from the table or anything else in the house such as the trash bin with very minimal training. Additional receiver collars may be added so all of your dogs can be trained with the same indoor dog fence system.
Some owners do not allow their dogs to go out on their own. Some dogs just aren’t meant to be outside at all and are just comfortable staying inside the house. A problem with this is that some dogs are very curious that they attempt to bolt through the door as soon as someone opens it. They could be at risk if they do this when they are able to run through your property and onto the road. Imagine what would happen next.
An Indoor Dog Fence when properly installed can prevent your dog from even going near the door even if you leave it open. This, of course, will only work with proper training and the right type of receiver collar and level for your dog.
The basic concept of an Indoor Dog Fence is it creates an invisible barrier with a radio signal. The radio signal is emitted either wirelessly (in a circular manner) or with some dog fence wire so you can customize the shape or area that you want to be protected. The signal is then picked up by a receiver collar that your dog wears when it’s near the invisible barrier and delivers a static stimulation to your dog. With proper training, your dog can easily learn not to go near certain areas, things or through the door.
Currently, we have two Indoor Dog Fences in stock; the DogWatch IB-100 and the DogWatch IB-200. Below are some features of each kit so you can choose which indoor dog fence you really need.
More info on the DogWatch IB-100 Indoor Radio Dog Fence here...
More info on the DogWatch IB-200 Indoor Radio Dog Fence here…
Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal