How to create a Radio Dog Fence DIY
Escaping dogs have made it into the news lately. The stories of people being attacked by dogs have saddened the nation and highlighted the need to ensure all dogs are contained effectively. Send this to YOUR Facebook Friends here...
It can be as easy and selecting the right product and support for a dog fence DIY installation. If dog owners had the Pet Barrier installed these tragic events may not have occurred. Have you wondered how to set up a dog fence for DIY installation - laying out the wire and creating the radio signal? See our main blog here.
Watch our Dog Fence DIY video series to see how a Pet Barrier Dog Fence stops dog escaping and stop dog digging in the garden. Each of our kits has been pre-prepared ready to be installed, they can be plugged in straight out of the box so you can read the manual to understand how the system will help stop dog digging and stop the dog jumping the fence.
View the rest of our Pet Barrier Dog Fence DIY Videos here and learn how they stop dog escaping and keep them contained safely, on your property.
Here's our Grounds Keeper kit for up to a 1 Acre property.
The key is to take the training gradually over a few days. Our electric dog collars have varying levels of static 'stimulation' so they can be gradually introduced to the radio signal and taught how to react to the sound of the collar and the feeling. It then becomes your dog's decision not to escape.
If I was to describe the feeling it is similar to a TENS machine - the sensation I would describe as an annoying 'pins-n-needles' sensation.
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Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal