Hendra Virus Dog - diagnosed.
It was reported today that the first case of the Hendra Virus was diagnosed in a dog. The following report was filed by the ABC. At present, the dog shows no signs of illness and it is not certain that the disease can be transferred from Dogs to humans. The dog with the Hendra virus is under quarantine at the property where the Hendra virus was detected in horses.
Tuesday, 26/07/2011 - ABC. http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news/content/201107/s3278389.htm
The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in Geelong has confirmed that a dog has tested positive for hendra virus. For more product reviews, visit here.
Queensland chief veterinary officer, Dr Rick Symons, says it's an unprecedented situation.
"This is the first time outside of a laboratory that an animal other than a flying fox or a horse, or a human, has been confirmed with hendra virus infection," Dr Symons said.
"The dog is on a property (in Queensland) where hendra virus infection has been confirmed and is currently under quarantine.
"Biosecurity Queensland's policy is to test cats and dogs on properties where there are infected horses.
"In this case, the dog returned two negative results for the presence of the virus, but a different type of test conducted at AAHL has confirmed the presence of antibodies.
"This means that at some point the dog has been exposed to the virus, but to our knowledge has shown no signs of illness."
Dr Symons says it's unclear how the dog contracted the virus, and other animals on the property near Beaudesert are being monitored, and show no signs of illness.
He believes there's minimal risk of the dog infecting humans.
A meeting of a joint Queensland and NSW hendra taskforce will be held tomorrow (Wednesday).
"Confirmation today that a dog on one of the properties where a horse died of hendra is confirmed positive for antibodies for this disease is quite worrying, and that's one of the reasons that we'll be convening this taskforce tomorrow and having a look at some new research proposals," said Queensland Premier Anna Bligh.
"We need to understand better what is happening with this disease.
"It's relatively unknown and despite the scientific efforts to date, there are continuing developments which I think are very worrying."
It appears that the authorities have the dog under close watch for further signs of illness and more will be made clear in the future.
Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal