Electric Dog Bark Collars

Electric Bark Control Collars use Static Electricity to distract your dog from barking by stimulating the muscles on the neck. It’s a harmless small pinch on the skin much like the small zap you get from touching the door handle after rubbing your feet on the carpet. It doesn’t really hurt and doesn’t leave damages but feeling it will give you a shock and will distract you from whatever it is you're doing.

Our Bark Control Collars are high quality and sourced only from reputable suppliers. We have everything for any dog size and personality. Features may vary for each model and the more advanced models offer better training methods. We also have Anti Bark Collars that give off stronger static pulses which are designed to be used on larger dogs that are a bit more stubborn. Most Bark Collars are powered by a battery but

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BC6 Barking Dog Training Collar
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SportDog Rechargeable No Bark SBC-R
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SportDog NOBARK SBC-8 Bark Collar
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SportDog NOBARK SBC-10 Collar
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PetSafe PBC17-16447 Lite Small Bark Collar
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Electric Bark Collars for Small Dogs Nuisance Barking gets harder to take care of if left untrained. Prevention is better than cure so start them young and make sure they learn how to bark properly early on. Do not risk your dog growing up and ending up being taken away because of a complaint of nuisance barking. We have a wide range of Bark Control Collars suited for your small furry friend. You are sure to find the perfect Bark Collar to help train your dog when to bark and when not to bark. Whether you have a persistent barker or a soft-spoken dog, we have one that will be perfect for your dog. Choose a basic entry-level bark collar if you have a light problem. Rent one if you’re not too ready for a commitment on a purchase and you can pay the remaining balance later on if you want to keep it. Choose a more advanced Electric Bark Collar if you have a more complicated problem and take advantage of state-of-the-art features such as dual bark detection.
Medium Dog Electric Bark Control Collars If you have a Medium-sized dog that is barking at cars driving by, birds flying or for the slightest reason, the neighbors might not like especially if it happens when people are resting. This is nuisance barking and is a case that is not taken lightly. A single complaint can launch an investigation and may end up in your dog being taken away. Take advantage of all the features of any model of Bark Collar and with proper training in the included step-by-step training guide, your dog’s nuisance barking problem will be taken care of in time. Some problems get fixed as soon as a day but some may persist for long periods of time. It just takes proper training and the proper bark collar.
Anti-Bark Collars for Big Dogs Bigger and larger dogs with nuisance barking are probably harder to train than the rest, especially the more stubborn ones. Some big dogs are sensitive so they are easier to train with the majority of the bark collars but there are also the ones that are harder to deal with. Dogs that are harder to train may ignore the static stimulation being delivered. These dogs are the ones who may need a harder push by using a Bark Control Collar with higher levels and state-of-the-art features. Higher levels mean more potent static stimulation and that’s a stronger distraction compared to the usual ones given to small and medium-sized dogs. Electric Bark Collars are typically the best choice and the most effective for Big Dogs. Other types of Bark Collars may be too soft or to forgiving and that may result in a complaint from your neighbors if the training is ineffective.