SAFE - Gold Membership :)


Written by Colin Seal

07/30/2010 Dog Bark Collar, Barking Dog Collar

Thanks for the recognition guys!
We received a certificate in the mail from SAFEyesterday - The Dog Line is once again a Gold Member of SAFE. It's fantastic to be recognized for the contributions we have been making to SAFE and its fantastic mission. Saving Animals From Euthanasia.
Do you think you could be a foster parent? Do you think you have room for a new family member? ADOPT A DOG NOW!

saving animals from euthanasiaEach year we make contributions to SAFE to help them in their quest to Re-home abandoned animals. They have a fantastic network of volunteers who provide foster homes for dogs (and other animals) who end up at the pound and are at risk of a very sad and final fate. Visit the main blog here.

happy puppiesIf it was not for the efforts of Sue Hedley and her fantastic Team many animals would not be connected with new and loving families and homes. I think now there is a home for every abandoned animal - It's just a matter of time before it's found. And it's organisations like SAFE and their volunteers that give the wonderful gift of 'enough time to find a home'.

We are great at helping people solve dog problems to help stop animals being abandoned due to behavioural issues but what about the ones that don't find us in time? That's where SAFEcomes in and so we can help them at the other end and contribute to helping find a home. It's great to be a part of it.

Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal